Monday, 10 September 2012

Superwoman found using Marijuana!

Superwoman was found taking Marijuana few kilometres away from her house, one of our trusted sources reported. Even though, Marijuana is banned in Canada and is illegal to be consumed, our hero(no more)
was still found taking Marijuana! We don't know whether she grew it or purchased it or how she got it?

But we did  have some proofs as well which we have already forwarded to the government and legal actions will be taken against whoever has done that or tries to do so!
So, she has lost her reputation and still receving a lot of abuse from her fans and family!!

Let us know your opinion by posting them below!!


  1. This is definatley a lie. If you think that what you said is the truth, then we all need proof. If you don't have evidence to proove yourself right, then just CTFO and live your life rather than trying to ruin others with stupid blogs like this. People like you really need to learn to stop messing with others reputation and create a good one for yourself.

    you got nothin on TEAM SW!!:)

  2. Ps - you mess with superwoman, you mess with us!

  3. You're so stupid! Grow up and get a life!!:

  4. What the hell are you talking about?!?! Lilly will never do that, Your just jealous of her, so why don't you just shut up

  5. Superwoman is crap and shes not even funny in my opinion, but your going to have to post some evidence of how she is charging to talk online.

    1. Why don't you shut your trap!!!, she's beautiful and funny. But I do understand u have right to ur own opinion, but still, I like to see you even make videos half as funny as hers!!! ��

  6. U jus want to cash in on her name and view

  7. You just shut up. Superwoman is amazinyg she knows she is a role model and she would never do something like this. In fact, all of your blogs are about how terrible superwoman is, i bet ur just a stupid well jell youtuber who is not even a smidge as popular as her. GET A LIFE

  8. You pice of crap! You have no proof and people like you trying to ruin peoples lives on the internet! Do you no how hurtful that is? Well lets think, If someone made a blog about how crappy and stupid you are…well… I KNOW for a fact that you wouldn't like that. So you need to stop trying to ruin an incredible you tubers life and get on with yours. AND FURTHERMORE…You made me pause her Types of Kids At School Video to look at this good for nothing blog.

  9. If legal action was taken how come she has posted a video at least every week? Hmmm.

    Yours sincerely,
    You've Just Been Proved Wrong.

  10. Seriously, what made you want to go through all the effort to put up a blog of lies about an amazing girl. u dont even know her.

  11. You are despicable and ridiculous. Delete these blogs and your account because you are gaining nothing. Unless you want attention, but surprise surprise, all of the attention is negative. You make up lies, terrible thought out ones, and you're ridiculous.

  12. First of all i think your just a jealous person trying to find believable ways for people too hate superwoman. Secondly i bet your "source" is one of you hater friends.

  13. "Our hero (no more)" really? this is what im reading HA this isnt proving anything and if it is its proving you are a jelous brat. And guess what all unicorns over here dont care beacuse haters gonna hate and superwoman herself looked at this and laughed so bad for you stupid

  14. Stop making hater blogs on Lilly. And much more

  15. None of the people on these blogs like you. We all support Superwoman.
    You have a trusted source. Damn. What, do they follow her around? Superwoman is amazing.

  16. Bitch lilly Singh is very wealthy now... go fuck yourself.
